Friday, September 24, 2010

In Alameda, Matarrese Is Attacked From All Sides

Matarrese’s flip flop tactics and lack of leadership are finally garnering election attention. Labor representatives, DeHaan supporters and anonymous citizens are burning Matarrese left and right. I’ll have to say, I almost feel bad for the guy… Almost.
After getting the Alameda Labor Council endorsement in 2006, they pulled support from Matarrese and dished it out to Gilmore this year. This was even after Matarrese pushed for an Alameda Point PLA (public labor agreement) with the unions. I’m not sure what’s going on behind those closed doors, but Labor seems confident in their endorsement of Gilmore after a rigorous candidate interview process to find a candidate that “will best meet the challenges of today's economy and keep our interests at heart.”
And of course, the infamous Anti-Matarrese push poll that ran on September 17. I frown on these kind of election tactics, but this push poll really held Matarrese to the fire citing his lack of leadership and failure to hold corrupt officials accountable. I agree with latter part.

Most recently, an unnamed (sortof) source posted an anti-matarrese YouTube clip. Bloggers are opinionating that David Howard, a known DeHaan for Mayor supporter, posted the clip. Take a look; it’s comment number 32 on LaurenDo’s Election 2010 entry. The clip highlights his flip flop tactics, and I’ll have to agree it does seem like Matarrese is more interested in appearing like he serves the community than actually (gasp) serving the community.

One quick quip then I’ll get off my soapbox, but it makes me wonder what Alameda officials are really working towards if it’s not the best interest of the community…


  1. Anthony C.9/24/2010

    David Howard loves to do these videos and he's no doubt running DeHaan's campaign for mayor.

    Not hard to figure this one out.

  2. The video has the "look and feel" of a David Howard video, too, whatever his claims of non-authorship may be. (Perhaps it is someone else who has co-produced videos with DH in the past? This possibility might account for the similarity in production values...)
