Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kicking Off East Bay for Open Government (EBOG)

Hi. Nice to meet ya. We're a group of business people fed up with the self-serving government tactics that have come to be commonplace here in the East Bay.

We're pro business and for open government and, unlike some other "action" groups, are willing to take a stand for our ideals. We deserve to know where our tax dollars are being spent, the deals made behind closed doors, and the cronyism running rampant in our government.

We want our government to represent what is best for their constituents, not their friends or their salary.

Join us.


  1. Just finished the special joint meeting tonight in Alameda.
    Wow! what a mess, the council, the mayor, the interim city manager all gave very bad answers to simple questions, and totally a waste of time the dumb questions asked by the council.
    Measure B is not about the proposed developer SunCal but an initiative
    to help move the protracted 16 year development forward.
    It seems to me that Measure B will establish guidelines for the development of the project, move the efforts forward and get this done

  2. Q. A concerned citizen asked the Mayor and interim City Mrg tonight about their past statements of having alternative plans in the event that Measure B fails, he asked them what they were, who the were made with and since the City had signed ENA (exclusive negotiation agreement) was this not in violation of that contract and what were these new plans.
    A. Elected officials did not respond

    Very strange that the complete board would ask for questions or comments but gave no answers at all in regards to their concerned citizens, and doubtful that they would furnish these answers in any form in the future.

    With the election 3 weeks away Alamedians still have no idea as to the positions on Measure B from their elected officials, even as some are running for new positions within local government.
