Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SunCal Opens Up Alameda Point Negotiations

I’ve never seen a land developer so fiercely determined to create transparency in City negotiations. After the Alameda City Council meeting last night it is easy to see why.

SunCal is paying the City of Alameda through an escrow account, and it seems they are not being told where it is going. There was particular concern over the City Managers salary. The City Manager claimed her salary is not paid for by SunCal, and seemed to want to end it at that. Only after many tense questions from the City Council members did she divulge that 80% of her billings are charged to the General Fund, and she does not bill directly to SunCal. So, whose time is this escrow account paying for?

Mayor Johnson aptly stated, “Well the most important thing is for SunCal to understand what they’re paying for.” Apparently they are paying for the City staff members that attend the meetings, as we’ve seen that the City Manager does not play a significant role in day-to-day negotiations. Is the City making a profit with this escrow account, while City senior management continues to bill to the General Fund?

The very same meeting began with a Sunshine Task Force List of Priorities. Can you add one more please?

I’d like to see the City Staff’s timesheets.


  1. Anonymous4/21/2010

    Agreed. Even the City Council seemed to be weary of the City Manager's explanation of her billable hours and salary explanation. She seems very defensive when questioned.

  2. Looks to me like SunCal has become Alameda city government's cash cow.
