Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Finally, A Peek Inside Alameda City Hall

I’ve been waiting for someone to do this, and they did….

While the good people of Alameda are with their families, sleeping in their beds or doing anything else but watching City Council meetings until 1 in the morning, our UNelected city officials are running amok. I think recent headlines are enough to make anyone question “What the heck is going on at City Hall?” but this video will SHOW you...

A quick summary before you view:

It seems it’s not the elected leaders, but rather the appointed Interim City Manager Ann Marie Gallant who is in control of our tax dollars.

Gallant-hired gun Michael Colantuono is at the stand, pretentious at best, telling the Councilmembers what they do and (mostly) don’t have the power to do. According to Colantuono, it is the unelected city manager who dictates the city budget. Translation: she is not being held accountable for how or how much she is spending.

It’s absolutely maddening to watch this arrogant man try and force the Councilmembers to believe that the City Manager has the authority to DO and SPEND whatever she wants.

No, Gallant, it’s not OK that you dictate the city budget from behind closed doors, and when questioned, hire an outside attorney to say “Don’t ask questions!”

Don't believe me? Take a look...


Monday, October 11, 2010

Alameda DA Calls City-Hired Attorney Racist

In her September 28th letter, Nancy E. O’Malley, Alameda County District Attorney, ripped apart the arrogant claims of Michael Colantuono “Special Counsel” hired by the City of Alameda. The letter was received by the Alameda Mayor’s Office on October 6, 2010 and can be viewed here.

O’Malley’s letter is stinging (for Colontuono)… here are a few excerpts:

“I find it offensive that you have singled out Asian-American leaders”

“This sort of racially charged accusation has no place in professional dialogue.”

“Whatever your motives in making these false claims, I remain mindful of our role in this process: to objectively and dispassionately evaluate the facts and the law so that a just decision can be reached.”

“I consider the comments you made…to have been made out of ignorance and disappointment, not out of malice and accordingly plan no additional action against their maker.”

It is absolutely ridiculous that the City of Alameda (or should I say Ann Marie Gallant) is paying Mr. Colantuono taxpayer dollars to play these kinds of legal tricks. To personally attack public servants Nancy O’Malley and Lena Tam is outrageous, and I would hope that our hired and elected officials would have better judgment than to hire a legal representative with such little integrity or tact.